0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Mary Baker Eddy


1875 & 1910 Textbooks
Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures ~ 1910 Final Ed.
Key to Scriptures
available later
Bowels - Disease of Bowels Healed

Diseased bowels and suffering healed
pain, diseases bowels, suffering

Mrs.   	J. W. C

  	                       DISEASE OF BOWELS HEALED 

21	    When I first heard of Christian Science I had been
  	afflicted for nine years with a very painful disease of the
  	bowels, which four physicians failed even to diagnose,
24	all giving different causes for the dreadful sufferings I
  	endured. The last physician advised me to take no more
  	medicine for these attacks, as drugs would not reach the
27	cause, or do any good. About this time I heard of
  	Christian Science, and had the opportunity of reading
  	"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
30	Eddy, a few minutes every day for about a week, and I
 1	was thereby healed. In looking back I found I had not
  	suffered in the least from the time I began reading this
 3	book. It has been nearly seventeen years since this won-
  	derful healing, and I have had no return of the disease. 
  	My gratitude is endless and can be best expressed by
 6	striving mightily to walk in the path our Leader has so
  	lovingly shown us in Science and Health. — Mrs.
  	J. W. C., Scranton, Pa.